Saturday, November 15, 2008

speed limit

Janice sent me the msot interesting email yesterday, containing a link to the recipe for a FIVE MINUTE CAKE. This was so amazing I just had to try it for myself, and the cake really did take just 5 minutes to bake ( if a microwave can be considered baking ).

Well, you can check out the recipe at ( I cant figure out how to link stuff! )

Well, heres my pics ( kinda ugly ) for that short 5 minutes of work.

The cake just poking its head out of the cup when I put it in the microwave.

After removing from the cup.

The cake tasted kinda different from normal cakes, but thats expected since it only took 5 minutes, im thinking that it works on the same principles as popcorn, but then again, I cant be sure. Strangely, I thought it felt abit fake, but tasted alright, and I guess I can keep this recipe handy for when my house runs out of food and I am dying of starvation. If anyone out there is bored, go ahead and try it, I'm going to think of weird ways I can improvise on it too =)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pasta 101

A sidenote from baking..

I made Spaghetti and meatballs this week! With a little help of course, but it was pretty fun, and they did turn out quite alright, so I guess I can now make my own pasta for dinner when no one is around to cook for me. Sadly, no pics since I went straight to eating it. Next time I do this I'll make really really big meatballs then post up some pics of course. Strangely, I didnt have half the ingredients the recipe called for, so ended up improvising all the way and it worked, thats the interesting part bout cooking, theres alot more room to play around, and you dont have to be so exact, but... that also means theres more room for failure, at least with baking everything can be nciely measured and calculated, which suits me better.

Also, I went for dinner at Garibaldi on sat, this Italian restaurant along purvis street, gosh, it was just superb. I started off with a piece of foie gras, which is thoroughly sinful yet totally tantalizing, and had a very tender and flavourful piece of beef. Then I ended it all off with a slice of molten chocolate cake. I think in future I should bring my camera out to such places so I can share all the stuff I had, I better make sure I earn loads of cash in future so I can fuel my taste bud's desires, and also to build my ultimate dream kitchen.